Fotografías de la Hacienda Jesús del Valle, Granada.

The geographical area to be covered with the production of vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts, forest foods, dairy, meat, eggs, honey is the city of Granada with 239.017 habitants and its metropolitan area of 33 municipalities (without Granada city) with a population of 290.661 habitants in 2013[1].


The segments of the population we aimed at supplying are primary and secondary schools and university, as well as residential care homes. In the city there are 104 preschools and primary schools, divided between private and public schools and 69 secondary schools. People under age 20 accounted for 19% of the total population in 2010, or approximately 45 413 people[2]. In the city of Granada there were 9 residential care homes registered in 2014 and 14 in the metropolitan area[3].


